JOURNAL OF SOCIETY AND BUSSINESS 2024-08-31T11:34:48+00:00Aslan admin@btqur.or.idOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>NETIZEN: JOURNAL OF SOCIETY AND BUSSINESS </strong>adalah jurnal yang menerbitkan artikel penelitian yang mencangkup multidisiplin, yang meliputi; Humaniora dan ilmu sosial, ilmu politik kontemporer, ilmu pendidikan, psikologi, ilmu agama dan filsafat, ilmu teknik, bisnis dan ekonomi, Koperasi, teknologi, ilmu kesehatan, ilmu kedokteran, pengembangan SDM, ilmu seni desain dan media, komunikasi, pertanian, perhutanan dan ilmu-ilmu lainnya.</p> <p><strong>NETIZEN: JOURNAL OF SOCIETY AND BUSSINESS </strong>diterbitkan sebulan sekali dalam setahun, jurnal peer-review, dan mengkhususkan diri dalam penelitian lapangan dan kajian referensi yang berkaitan dengan multidisiplin keilmuan. Jurnal ini mengundang para cendekiawan dan pakar yang bekerja di semua disiplin ilmu. Artikel harus asli, berbasis penelitian lapangan dan literatur, tidak dipublikasikan dan tidak sedang dalam peninjauan untuk kemungkinan publikasi di jurnal lain. Semua makalah yang dikirimkan tunduk pada tinjauan editor, dewan redaksi, dan peninjau buta. Kiriman yang melanggar pedoman kami tentang pemformatan atau panjangnya akan ditolak tanpa peninjauan.</p> KEPUTUSAN DALAM ORGANISASI PENDIDIKAN2024-08-01T08:47:00+00:00Khabib<p><em>Decision making is a cognitive process carried out by humans that causes them to choose a particular action or belief from a variety of available options, either rationally or irrationally. Decision making is essential for leadership, motivation, communication, coordination, and organizational change. Organizations can only operate if their leaders have the ability to make decisions and organize organizational members according to their positions and responsibilities. This study found that the following basic principles should be the basis for decision making in an educational organization: authority, credibility, reference, ethics, orientation, and scope. Based on these principles, various paradigms—classical, administrative, incremental, administrative-incremental, and contingency—are used to make decisions.</em></p>2024-08-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NETIZEN: JOURNAL OF SOCIETY AND BUSSINESS MODEL KONSELING KRISTEN BERBASIS KOGNITIF-PERILAKU UNTUK MENGATASI EMOSIONAL PADA INDIVIDU2024-08-06T12:51:43+00:00Anjela Selmiati Pabalik angelaselmiatypabalik@gmail.comSintiyanisintiagadeng354@gmail.comDesti Logendestilogen18@gmail.comDinianti Panannangandinipanannangan@gmail.comDesti<p><em>This study aims to develop a Christian-based cognitive-behavioral counseling (CBT) model designed to address emotional issues in individuals. Cognitive-behavioral therapy has proven effective in treating various emotional disorders by identifying and altering maladaptive thought patterns. However, there is a need for an approach that integrates spiritual principles into counseling to provide more holistic support. This model combines CBT techniques with Christian teachings, leveraging theological foundations to support cognitive and behavioral change. The model integrates biblical principles such as transformation of the mind (Romans 12:2), control of thoughts (Philippians 4:8), and forgiveness (Colossians 3:13) with CBT techniques like cognitive restructuring, self-monitoring, and behavioral exercises. Interventions in this model include spiritual reflection, prayer, and the application of biblical teachings within the counseling process. The study involves testing the model on a small group of clients to assess the effectiveness and relevance of integrating CBT techniques with Christian principles. Results from the trial indicate that the model is not only effective in addressing emotional issues but also strengthens clients' faith and provides deeper meaning and purpose in their lives. The findings are expected to make a significant contribution to the field of counseling by offering a more comprehensive and holistic approach that combines psychological and spiritual support. The study concludes that integrating CBT with Christian counseling can enhance therapeutic effectiveness, providing deeper and more meaningful support for individuals in managing their emotional challenges.</em></p>2024-08-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NETIZEN: JOURNAL OF SOCIETY AND BUSSINESS STRATEGY IN INCREASING CHOCOLATE MUSHROOM CULTURE PRODUCTION ON (USAHA MATAHARI JAMUR DI DESA PAROMBEAN KABUPATEN ENREKANG)2024-08-06T13:07:33+00:00Arnelin Anggraini arnelinanggraini072@gmail.comAgus Syam Halim Isma<p><em>This research aims to find out the development strategy in increasing the production of cultivation of chocolate squid mushrooms (pada usaha matahari jamur di Desa Parombean Kabupaten Enrekang). The research method used through qualitative descriptive research using methods of data collection through observations, interviews and documentation of an object of research which will then be analyzed using SWOT analysis. Through interviews with stakeholders in the Sun Fungi enterprise in Parombean Village Enrekang district, the conclusion drawn based on the current conditions, the sun fungi business in Parobean village Enrekange district is in the first quarter, showing that the company is experiencing a very favourable situation. The strategy that can be applied to the Sun mushroom enterprise in Parombean Village Enrekang district in terms of Quadrant I is aggressive strategy.</em></p>2024-08-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NETIZEN: JOURNAL OF SOCIETY AND BUSSINESS MORAL: Integrasi Psikologi dan Teologi dalam Konseling Pastoral2024-08-16T02:44:06+00:00Vebrianti Sari Patandean vsaripatandean@gmail.comEka Grace Septianiekagraces@gmail.comJelyarvi Gusnijelyarvigusni@gmail.comEstin Asri Kadangasrikadang14@gmail.comJuwita<p><em>This study will analyze the effectiveness of an integrative approach in pastoral counseling for addressing moral issues. This approach combines psychological, theological, and spiritual aspects, providing a comprehensive framework for understanding and addressing individual moral conflicts. The research finds that this integrative method allows counselors to offer more holistic support by identifying the root causes of problems and providing deep, integrated solutions. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of integrity and honesty, as emphasized in Biblical teachings, in shaping individual moral and ethical character. These values help individuals remain steadfast in truth and make correct decisions despite temptations, while also supporting the creation of a just society consistent with moral principles upheld.</em></p>2024-08-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NETIZEN: JOURNAL OF SOCIETY AND BUSSINESS SEBAGAI TELADAN MATI SYAHID DALAM KONTEKS KEBEBASAN BERAGAMA2024-08-19T03:07:33+00:00Zein Marshellin Rante zeinmarshellin210302@gmail.comDelsiana Palayukan delsianapalayukan@gmail.comAbraham<p><em>This study aims to explore the story of Polycarp as a model of martyrdom and its relevance to religious freedom. The qualitative method of case studies is used with in-depth literature study techniques. The results show that the story of Polycarp represents the values of courage, loyalty, integrity, and sacrifice that are very relevant in contemporary religious freedom struggles. The similarity in the pattern of violations of religious freedom between the time of Polycarp and the modern era reminds us of the urgency to continue fighting for human rights. Polycarp's experience can also inspire and motivate religious minorities who are still struggling to obtain the right to religious freedom.</em></p>2024-08-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NETIZEN: JOURNAL OF SOCIETY AND BUSSINESS IMPACT OF CREATIVITY, INNOVATION AND LEARNING BUSINESS WITH THE PROBLEMS OF BEAUTY'S FRIENDLESS COSMETICS COMPANY IN MAMUJU CITY2024-08-31T11:34:48+00:00Marhawati Nurian Aryantiafifahnurian03@gmail.comAgus Syam Jufri<p><em>This research aims to find out the impact of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial knowledge on business success. The method used in this study is quantitative, aimed at explaining the relationship between variables, but the conclusions drawn from the results of the study cannot be simplified and concluded unilaterally but must go through several stages of testing. Data collection using primary data with the technique of division of questionnaires to respondents. Sampling technique used is the method of sampling a saturated sample of 50 respondents Data analysis using SPSS V.24.00 for windows. The results of the research concluded that (1) creativity has a significant positive influence on the success of the business at the Beauty Friend Cosmetic Shop in Mamuju City. (2) Innovation has significant positive impact on the successful business at Beauty Friend cosmetic shop in Mumuju city. (3) Knowledge of entrepreneurship has significantly positive influences on the business success of Beauty Friend Kosmetic Store in Memuju. (4) Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial knowledge simultaneously have an impact on business success at Beautyfriend Cosmetics store in Mmuju City.</em></p>2024-08-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NETIZEN: JOURNAL OF SOCIETY AND BUSSINESS