INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION <p>International Journal of Social and Education (INJOSEDU) Published once a month every year and serves as a peer-reviewed journal specializing in field research and literary reviews related to social, cultural, economic, political and educational issues. The aim is to offer the reader a better understanding of Humanities and Social Sciences and to present progress through the publication of articles and research reports, which include field studies and literature reviews. This journal invites scholars and experts working in all disciplines. The article must be original, based on field research and literature, never previously published, and not being considered to be published in other journals. All papers submitted will be reviewed by the Editor, the editorial board, and the blind reviewer. Submissions that violate the format or length guidelines will be rejected without review.</p> <p><strong>International Journal of Social and Education</strong><strong> (INJOSEDU)</strong> is a journal that deals with social, cultural, economic, political and educational issues. Education covers all kinds of fields of education, in the sphere of family, school, and even higher education. The field of education is not confined to either general education or special education, as is the case with the social sphere.</p> <p><strong>International Journal of Social and Education (INJOSEDU) index by:<br /></strong></p> <table> <tbody> <tr style="height: 60px;"> <td style="border: 1px solid #dddddd; width: 180px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"><a href=";user=_p62RlsAAAAJ&amp;authuser=9&amp;scilu=&amp;scisig=ALAJMKEAAAAAZiH0jtBJUxEuXp2EvodH5aN4WZo&amp;gmla=AKKJWFfDiQdVGM3HglSXXm2LCGuG95JYDORSgjQRX3fc2cP6LXFFLwNNtD0-yv6Es1BwiKFA1fDIhXZ5dQz3RFcSM9w8ralZb3ttWoW4xAjJqr7oH2RBtXId-PE&amp;sciund=15860275979721518550" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="210" height="55" /></a></td> <td style="width: 20px;"> </td> <td style="border: 1px solid #dddddd; width: 180px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="429" height="100" /></a></td> <td style="width: 20px;"> </td> <td style="border: 1px solid #dddddd; width: 180px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"><a href=";journalId=130704" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a></td> <td style="width: 20px;"> </td> <td style="border: 1px solid #dddddd; width: 180px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table> <tbody> <tr style="height: 60px;"> <td style="border: 1px solid #dddddd; width: 180px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"> </td> <td style="width: 20px;"> </td> <td style="border: 1px solid #dddddd; width: 180px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"> </td> <td style="width: 20px;"> </td> <td style="border: 1px solid #dddddd; width: 180px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"> </td> <td style="width: 20px;"> </td> <td style="border: 1px solid #dddddd; width: 180px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p> Pondok Pesantren Baitul Quran en-US INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 3047-6151 PREFERENCES IN ONLINE LEARNING OF STS: PERSPECTIVES FROM STUDENTS <p><em>In today's higher education setting, the integration of online learning has profoundly transformed pedagogical practices, particularly in Science, Technology, and Society (STS) education. This study investigates students' preferences for online learning in the context of STS at a state university in the Philippines. Using a researcher-developed questionnaire focused on Modality, Assessment, Relevance, and Interaction (MARIQ), the research examines various aspects of online learning methods and assessment practices. The study reveals that students prefer asynchronous learning modes and multimedia-rich content to enhance engagement and comprehension. These insights are vital for shaping curriculum design and instructional strategies, with an emphasis on the need for adaptable assessment methods and interactive learning platforms. Additionally, the study addresses challenges such as maintaining student engagement and improving technological competencies. It suggests potential areas for future research in adaptive technologies and innovative teaching approaches to further enhance STS education.</em></p> Kimberly Rivera Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-08-18 2024-08-18 1 6 1495 1510 A CRITICAL EXAMINATION OF THE ENGLISH TEACHING MODULE CRAFTED FOR THE INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM BY TEACHERS AT MOJOKERTO JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL <p>This study aims to explore the unique curriculum instruction modules used by English teachers in five Movement Schools in Mojokerto junior high schools. A qualitative approach with a case study method was employed to examine how these modules are implemented. Data were collected through interviews with educators, analysis of relevant documents, and a review of the teaching module. The findings reveal that the five English teachers at these schools have structured their Teaching Modules in line with the components of the Independent Curriculum. However, they still face difficulties developing these modules and adapting the curriculum to meet students' needs. The study emphasizes that teaching modules should be designed to consider both the specific needs of local students and the national education guidelines. These findings significantly affect how secondary school teachers plan and develop instructional strategies.</p> Devinta Nirmalasari Rini Lindawati Wiwik Mardiana Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-08-19 2024-08-19 1 6 1511 1522 INNOVATIVE VOCABULARY TEACHING: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ASSEMBLR EDU APP IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL CLASSROOMS <p>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using the Assemblr Edu application as a vocabulary learning media and describe the response of seventh-grade students of SMPN 1 Gedeg Mojokerto to the media. This research is quasi-experimental research with a Non-equivalent Group design. The data collection techniques used were tests and questionnaires. Data collection tools used student worksheets and questionnaire sheets. The location of this research was SMPN 1 Gedeg, Gedeg District, Mojokerto Regency, East Java Province with a population of VII grade students as many as 256 students. The sample used was 64 students, with 32 students in the experimental class who used Assemblr Edu App media and 32 students in the control class who did not. The results showed that the use of learning media was effective as a media for vocabulary learning, with a t-test value of t = 4.127 and a significance of 0. Students' responses to this application were positive in cognitive (content knowledge 81.8%, understanding of use 81.6%, understanding of presentation 82.6%) and affective (motivation 78.1%, interest 82.8%, curiosity 81.3%) aspects. This shows that the Assemblr Edu application is effective in learning English, especially vocabulary material.</p> Muhammad Fatkhul Hikam Nurhayati Ganinda Rini Lindawati Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-08-19 2024-08-19 1 6 1523 1532 INCREASING EDUCATION GAP DUE TO DISPARITY IN ACCESS TO TECHNOLOGY <p>Disparities in access to technology and the gap to education are critical issues that span communities around the world, especially among low-income groups and in remote areas. The research method used was a literature review. The results show that limited access to technology in education results in low academic achievement and students' lack of readiness to face work demands in the digital era. Furthermore, students from low-income families and remote areas are most affected, with a greater likelihood of falling behind in digital literacy and independent learning skills.</p> Loso Judijanto Melyana R Pugu Achmad Farchan Al-Amin Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-08-19 2024-08-19 1 6 1533 1546 THE EFFECT OF CAPITAL MARKET ON ECONOMIC GROWTH: A LITERATURE REVIEW <p>The capital market has a significant role in promoting economic growth through fundraising mechanisms and efficient capital allocation. This study uses the research method. The results show that a developed and liquid capital market provides cheaper and easier access to funding for firms, allowing them to expand and innovate which in turn increases productivity and production capacity. In addition, capital markets also strengthen transparency and corporate governance, which not only increases investor confidence but also maintains overall economic stability. An effective capital market encourages companies to meet higher reporting and auditing standards, which in turn improves their accountability and performance. This allows for a more efficient allocation of resources to sectors with high growth prospects, thereby spurring innovation and value addition in the economy. However, these positive impacts are more pronounced in countries with adequate financial infrastructure and supportive regulations. In developing countries, challenges such as lack of liquidity, information imbalances, and political instability remain major obstacles. In this context, the literature review emphasizes the importance of building strong capital market infrastructure, improving financial literacy, and continuous efforts in strengthening regulations to maximize the contribution of capital markets to economic growth. With the right strategy, capital markets can be an important pillar in promoting sustainable and inclusive economic growth.</p> Jackson Yumame Khuzaini Hadenan Towpek Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-08-19 2024-08-19 1 6 1547 1554 EVALUATION OF RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES IN PROFIT OPTIMIZATION IN THE BANKING SECTOR <p>This study aims to evaluate risk management strategies in profit optimization efforts in the banking sector. The findings reveal that the implementation of a reliable risk management strategy is able to contribute significantly to increasing profitability and financial stability of banks. Solid risk management helps in identifying, measuring, and managing various potential risks that could potentially threaten the bank's financial performance. Successful risk management enables banks to minimize potential losses and maximize opportunities, ultimately increasing profits in a sustainable manner. This study confirms the importance of integrating risk management into a bank's business strategy. Risk management is not only needed as a protection tool, but also as an important component in strategic decision-making. By incorporating risk considerations in day-to-day activities, banks can make more informed and timely decisions, which in turn helps reduce uncertainty and improve operational efficiency. The role of technology and data analytics is also highlighted, as it improves the accuracy of risk prediction and evaluation. The utilization of advanced technology enables banks to respond to risks quickly and effectively, thereby preventing negative impacts on financial performance. The implementation of technology-based risk management systems enhances transparency and accountability, which increases stakeholder confidence in bank management. In addition, compliance with dynamic regulations is also an important factor in the risk management strategy. Stringent regulations encourage banks to continuously adapt and refine their risk management framework. Compliance with regulatory rules not only avoids sanctions but also builds a good reputation in the eyes of investors and customers.</p> Adhista Setyarini Ziko Hamdi Mohd Syahrin Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-08-19 2024-08-19 1 6 1555 1567 THE IMPACT OF TAX REFORM ON SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES <p>Tax reform is a broad area of regulatory change, technology implementation, and incentive policies. The research in this investigation uses the literature research method. The results show that the impact of tax reform on Small and Medium Enterprises is dualistic. On the one hand, reforms that prioritize transparency, simplicity, and are supported by clear guidelines are well received by Small and Medium Enterprises, as they ease the reporting process and improve tax compliance. On the other hand, complex and confusing reforms create uncertainty and operational challenges, especially for Small and Medium Enterprises that are less prepared in terms of technology and infrastructure. Therefore, technological readiness and supporting infrastructure play an important role in determining the effectiveness of tax reform. Furthermore, the need for support from the government, both in the form of tax incentives and education, greatly affects the success of Small and Medium Enterprises' adaptation to tax reform. Incentives such as tax subsidies or rebates help to reduce the financial burden, while training and education improve the understanding of Small and Medium Enterprises of the new rules. Thus, to achieve effective and equitable tax reform, a multifaceted approach is required involving improved regulations, increased access to technology, and ongoing support from the government.</p> Loso Judijanto Anggriani Husain Muhammad Syaiful Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-08-21 2024-08-21 1 6 1568 1581 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE 'START WITH A QUESTION' STRATEGY IN HISTORY LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR CLASS XI STUDENTS AT SMA NEGERI 3 KENDARI <p>This research employs an experimental design with test techniques, aiming to analyze descriptively and inferentially: (1) the influence of the "Start with a Question" learning strategy on the learning outcomes of class XI students at SMA Negeri 3 Kendari; (2) the influence of conventional learning strategies on the learning outcomes of class XI students at SMA Negeri 3 Kendari; (3) the differences in the influence on history learning outcomes between students taught using the "Start with a Question" learning strategy and those taught using conventional learning strategies. The population of this study consisted of all class XI students of SMA Negeri 3 Kendari, totaling 4 classes. The research sample was taken through multistage probability sampling, a form of random sampling of complex groups. This method considered that two classes had relatively similar abilities, sat in the same class, and were not divided based on student level. The experimental and control classes were determined randomly, with class XI.IS4 serving as the experimental class that implemented the "Start with a Question" learning strategy. Based on this perception, the researcher took 25% of the total population (more than 100) as a sample. The sample size in this study was 25% x 145 = 36. One reason for selecting a sample of 36 students was that each class included several students with poor attendance records. Data was collected through observation sheets and history test results, in multiple-choice format. The hypothesis was tested using a single sample t-test. If t count &gt; &gt; t<sub>(1-α,(n1+n2)-2)</sub> or P value &lt; α, then H0 is accepted; otherwise, H0 is rejected. The results of the data analysis indicate that: (1) the history learning outcomes of students who applied the "Start with a Question" learning strategy were categorically very good, with 77.78% of students scoring between 80 and 100, and an average score of 83.96; (2) the history learning outcomes of students who applied conventional learning strategies were categorically moderate, with 72.22% of students scoring between 65 and 75, and an average score of 70.07; (3) the "Start with a Question" learning strategy positively influenced the learning outcomes on the material of Japanese colonialization and its impact on the lives of Indonesian people, with t = 10,575 = t<sub>(1-α; (n1+n2) -2)</sub> = t<sub>(0,95;70)</sub>)), resulting in the rejection of H0.</p> Suharni Suddin Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-08-21 2024-08-21 1 6 1582 1594 UNDERSTANDING THE CONCEPT OF JUSTICE IN THE QURAN AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION IN ISLAMIC LAW <p>The concept of justice enshrined in the Quran emphasizes the principles of balance, equality, and respect for individual rights regardless of one's social status, gender, or ethnic background. The Quran emphasizes the importance of social justice through the command to act justly even when faced with situations that challenge the individual or family, as stated in Surah An-Nisa verse 135. The verses remind us that the implementation of justice must include honesty in actions and avoiding discrimination and preconceptions. In addition, the Quran states the importance of justice in economic and political aspects, including through the zakat system and the prohibition of usury, which aim to reduce social disparities and ensure a more equitable distribution of wealth. These principles of justice also apply to governance, with an emphasis on integrity, transparency and accountability. The application of justice in Islamic law (sharia) is realized through various legal mechanisms and institutions that refer to Quranic principles. For example, Islamic criminal law contains specific provisions on fair legal procedures and the rejection of unfair or oppressive acts, while Islamic family law protects the rights of women and children and ensures fairness in the distribution of inheritance. However, there are significant challenges in implementing these concepts of justice uniformly across Muslim communities, largely due to differences in interpretation among the various madhhabs (schools) or schools of Islamic law, as well as the influence of state policies and political dynamics. Overcoming this imbalance requires wise policies and an unwavering commitment to the values of justice taught in the Qur'an.</p> Haidi Hajar Widagdo Zulkifli Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-08-21 2024-08-21 1 6 1595 1607 THE IMPORTANCE OF CHARACTER EDUCATION IN SHAPING THE POSITIVE BEHAVIOR OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS <p>Character education in primary schools is an important element in the formation of a generation that behaves positively and responsibly. This education aims to instill moral and ethical values early on, so that students are able to distinguish between right and wrong and develop positive behaviors in everyday life. In addition, character education also serves to develop essential social skills, such as the ability to communicate, work together in teams, and resolve conflicts in a peaceful manner. These social skills are essential for building harmonious relationships and effective functioning of students in various social situations. By having a good moral, ethical and social skills foundation, students are able to adapt and contribute positively in their environment. In conclusion, character education in primary schools is an integral part of the curriculum that not only strengthens academic aspects but also shapes individuals with good character and morals. Therefore, it is important for educational institutions to ensure that character education is prioritized in the learning process in primary schools, in order to create the next generation with noble character and positive mentality.</p> Warlim Dr. Suryaningsih, S.S., M.Pd.K. Hasni Noor Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-08-22 2024-08-22 1 6 1608 1618 ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR IN THE MILLENNIAL GENERATION <p>This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of social media marketing on consumer behavior in the millennial generation through a comprehensive literature review. Millennials, known as digital natives, show a strong preference for social media platforms as primary channels for interaction and information consumption. This research examines various published empirical studies to identify key factors that influence the effectiveness of social media marketing, including content type, interaction methods, and use of analytical data. The results of the literature review show that interactive, authentic and relevant content plays an important role in increasing engagement and loyalty of millennial consumers. In addition, collaboration with influencers, especially micro-influencers, is an effective strategy in building trust and expanding marketing reach. The use of innovative features such as short videos, live streaming and augmented reality has proven to be able to maintain attention and increase consumer interest. Research also finds that brand awareness and commitment to issues of sustainability and social responsibility have a significant impact on millennial consumer preferences and loyalty. Brands that actively support social and environmental campaigns are able to build a positive image and strengthen long-term relationships with consumers. This review concludes that effective social media marketing must combine creative content strategies, intelligent use of data, authentic interactions, and a commitment to social responsibility to achieve maximum impact on millennial consumer behavior. The study recommends further research to explore specific dynamics across different social media platforms and different industries.</p> Mulia Sosiady Ermansyah Ermansyah Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-08-23 2024-08-23 1 6 1619 1630 INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION STRATEGY IN INCREASING SALES IN MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (MSMES) <p>This research aims to examine Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) strategies in the context of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and their impact on increasing sales. Through a comprehensive literature review, this study analyzes various aspects of IMC implementation in MSMEs, including challenges, opportunities and best practices that can be adopted. The method used in this research is systematic literature analysis, utilizing the latest scientific sources such as academic journals, industry reports and relevant case studies. The main focus of the research is on the period 2010-2023, covering the latest developments in digital marketing strategies and their impact on MSMEs. The research results show that effective IMC implementation can significantly increase MSME sales through several key mechanisms: (1) increasing brand awareness, (2) marketing cost efficiency, (3) increasing customer engagement, and (4) optimizing marketing channels. However, research also identifies several key challenges that MSMEs face in adopting IMC, including limited resources, lack of technical expertise, and difficulties in measuring return on investment (ROI). The study concludes that despite the challenges, IMC offers significant potential for MSMEs to increase their competitiveness and sales. The proposed recommendations include a gradual approach in implementing IMC, a focus on cost-effective use of digital technology, and developing the internal capacity of MSMEs in planning and executing integrated marketing strategies.</p> Loso Judijanto Kristopo Kristopo Edy Setyo Wibowo Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-08-27 2024-08-27 1 6 1631 1644 ANALYSIS OF MORAL VALUES IN THE UPIN IPIN CARTOON FILM EPISODE 14 (TUDUNG SAJI MENGKUANG) <p>Cartoon films are the most popular films for children, not only children, cartoon films are also often watched by teenagers and adults. because cartoon films have a concise storyline and pictures. Not many words are used. Easy to understand and recognize. The message is usually fresher and clearer. So cartoon films are one type of animated film that is the most popular choice or show for children. One of the children's cartoon films that airs on TV is Upin &amp; Ipin. in the Upin &amp; Ipin film using Malay / Malaysian. But the language used is easy to understand by Indonesian children because Malaysian and Indonesian have little similarity. This study aims to analyze the cartoon film "Upin &amp; Ipin as a cartoon film that contains values ​​and morals. This study is a descriptive study. The data source used is the Upin &amp; Ipin cartoon film on TV / YouTube. The data analysis technique uses qualitative descriptive. The results of the analysis show that: The Upin &amp; Ipin film can be used as a medium to instill values ​​and morals and character education in children which include: loyalty, cooperation, mutual motivation, gentleness, mutual respect between friends, perseverance, not easily discouraged, enthusiasm and respect for parents.</p> Ni Kadek Karmaeni Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-09-01 2024-09-01 1 6 1645 1648 ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF FINANCIAL LITERACY ON PERSONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT BEHAVIOR IN THE MILLENNIAL GENERATION <p>This research aims to analyze the influence of financial literacy on personal financial management behavior in the millennial generation. Using literature research methods, this study collects and analyzes various scientific sources to explain how financial knowledge and understanding contribute to the financial decisions taken by individuals in this age group. The research results show that financial literacy has a significant role in shaping millennial financial behavior. Millennials who have a high level of financial literacy are more likely to manage their income, expenses, savings and investments more effectively. They are also better able to avoid and manage debt wisely and plan long-term finances, including preparing emergency funds and retirement. In addition, good financial literacy can reduce the level of stress or anxiety related to finances among millennials, because they feel more confident in making smart financial decisions. This research underlines the importance of financial education programs that are enhanced and supported by various parties, including educational institutions, government and non-profit organizations, to increase financial literacy among the millennial generation. In conclusion, increasing financial literacy is a key strategy to improve personal financial management among millennials, which in turn can contribute to their financial stability and well-being. These findings are relevant for policy makers and practitioners working to support the development of the financial capacity of the millennial generation.</p> Bambang Hermawan Didik Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-09-03 2024-09-03 1 6 1649 1662 THE IMPACT OF IMPLEMENTING FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT ON PROFITABILITY AND COMPANY VALUE COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN BUMN AND PRIVATE COMPANIES IN INDONESIA <p>This research aims to analyze the impact of implementing financial risk management on profitability and company value, with a focus on comparative studies between State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and private companies in Indonesia. Through a comprehensive literature review, this study explores various aspects of financial risk management and their impact on company performance. The method used in this research is systematic literature analysis, utilizing secondary sources such as scientific journals, company financial reports and other official publications. The data collected covers the 2010-2020 period, involving samples from 50 state-owned companies and 100 leading private companies in Indonesia. The research results show that the implementation of financial risk management has a significant positive impact on profitability and company value, both in BUMN and private companies. However, there are differences in the level and characteristics of the impact. Private companies tend to show a faster increase in profitability, while state-owned companies experience a more stable increase in company value in the long term. This study also reveals that the effectiveness of implementing financial risk management is influenced by factors such as ownership structure, government regulations, and organizational culture. SOEs face unique challenges related to political and bureaucratic interference, while private companies are more flexible but sometimes limited in terms of resources. In conclusion, this research provides valuable insight into the importance of financial risk management in improving company performance in Indonesia. These findings can be a reference for policy makers, company managers and investors in understanding the dynamics of financial risk management in the public and private sectors.</p> Bambang Hermawan Miftahil Miftahil Lika Yulia Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-09-03 2024-09-03 1 6 1663 1676 THE ROLE OF TOURISM AMBASSADOR IN PROMOTING THE TOURISM OBJECT IN SIDRAP REGENCY <p><em>This study uses qualitative methods as its research methodology. This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of tourism ambassadors in promoting tourist destinations in Sidrap Regency and to find out the inhibiting factors for tourism ambassadors in promoting tourist destinations in Sidrap Regency. Population in the This research Formerly That student The number of Tourism Ambassadors for Sidrap Regency who were studied were 4 people. That data collection method used in the this research Formerly A interview. Based on the results of the interviews above, the effectiveness of tourist ambassadors in promoting tourist destinations is still not fully effective and realized, there are still many promotional programs from tourism ambassadors that have not been implemented and as for the obstacles for tourist ambassadors in Sidrap, lack of support and facilities provided by related parties in charge tourism ambassadors, for example media facilities that do not support tourism promotion.</em></p> Hernita Herman Sam Hermansyah Buhari Buhari Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-09-03 2024-09-03 1 6 1677 1688 INTEGRATION OF BUSINESS ETHICS IN MANAGERIAL DECISIONS IMPLICATIONS FOR COMPANIES' LONG-TERM GROWTH <p>This research aims to explore how the integration of business ethics in managerial decisions impacts a company's long-term growth. Using a qualitative approach, this study examines the experiences and perceptions of senior executives from various industries regarding the role of ethics in the strategic decision-making process and its implications for overall company performance. Data collection methods include in-depth semi-structured interviews with 20 C-level executives from leading companies in Indonesia, analysis of company documents, and participant observation in strategic decision-making meetings. We used thematic analysis methods to identify key patterns and emerging themes in the data. The main findings show that companies that consistently integrate ethical considerations in managerial decisions tend to experience more stable and sustainable growth in the long term. This research identifies several key mechanisms through which business ethics influences growth, including enhanced corporate reputation, strengthened stakeholder relationships, more effective risk mitigation, and increased responsible innovation. This study contributes to the literature by highlighting the importance of business ethics as a strategic factor in corporate growth rather than simply a compliance obligation. Practical implications include recommendations for developing integrated ethical decision-making frameworks and mechanisms to ensure consistent application of ethics across organizational levels.</p> Jemmy Jemmy Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-09-04 2024-09-04 1 6 1689 1702 EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DIVIDEND POLICY IN INCREASING INVESTOR LOYALTY <p>This literature research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of dividend policy in the context of increasing investor loyalty. This study collects and analyzes various existing literature, including journals, articles, and textbooks related to dividend policy, dividend payments, and investor behavior to understand the dynamic relationship between dividend policy and investor loyalty. By using a systematic analysis approach, this research identifies the factors that influence management decisions in determining dividend policy and how these decisions impact investors' perceptions and behavior. The results of the literature analysis show that a consistent and predictive dividend policy plays an important role in building investor confidence, which in turn can increase their loyalty to the company. A dividend policy that is responsive to investors' needs and preferences, and flexible to the company's economic and financial conditions, was found to be a key factor in retaining and attracting long-term investors. Additionally, transparency in dividend policy communication and the use of dividends as a positive signal regarding a company's financial health and growth prospects also contribute to stronger relationships with investors. This research underscores the importance of considering the impact of dividend policy on investor loyalty as part of a comprehensive investor relations management strategy. Implementing an effective dividend policy requires a deep understanding of investor preferences, market conditions, and the company's financial capabilities and projections. Thus, dividend policy not only functions as a wealth distribution mechanism, but also as a strategic instrument to increase loyalty and long-term value for shareholders.</p> Chairil Afandy Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-09-05 2024-09-05 1 6 1703 1714 USE OF BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY IN DATA DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SECURITY <p>In the current digital era, data security is a major concern in various industrial sectors. Blockchain, as the data distribution technology underlying cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, has shown significant potential in addressing various data security issues. This literature research aims to comprehensively examine the use of blockchain technology in improving the security of data distribution systems. Through a systematic review method, this research collects and analyzes various studies, articles and reports related to the use of blockchain in the context of data security. The literature review results show that blockchain offers several key security features, such as decentralization, resistance to manipulation, anonymity, and transparency, which can prevent cyberattacks and protect data integrity. However, this research also identifies challenges faced in blockchain implementation, including issues of scalability, energy efficiency, and compatibility with existing data systems. This research suggests that the development of hybrid solutions that combine blockchain elements with traditional data distribution technologies can provide a balance between security and efficiency. Additionally, cooperation between developers, industry, and regulators is critical to creating standards and frameworks that support widespread blockchain adoption. Thus, this research provides a balanced view of the potential and challenges of using blockchain in the security of data distribution systems, as well as suggesting directions for further research and development in this area.</p> Nur Hakim Asri Ady Bakri Farid Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-09-08 2024-09-08 1 6 1715 1727 TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP OF SCHOOL PRINCIPALS AT MTS NEGERI TOJO UNA-UNA AND IMPACT ON IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF HUMAN RESOURCES <p>This research aims to analyze the transformational leadership style of school principals at MTs Negeri Tojo Una-Una and its impact on improving the quality of human resources. Using a qualitative approach, this research involved interviews, observation, and documentation as data collection methods. The research results show that school principals actively improve the quality of teachers and students through support for each school community, from an internal perspective (morale by providing various role models and advice), as well as externally (training, providing school facilities, collaboration between the community and government). Good leadership, exemplary behavior, and communication that creates a conducive school environment are some of the key factors in creating a comfortable and enjoyable school environment which is proven to increase motivation and involvement of all parties in the learning process, from cooperation and collaboration in every activity. These findings emphasize the importance of transformational leadership in achieving the vision and mission of better education with optimal-quality human resources.</p> Suci Indasari Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-09-10 2024-09-10 1 6 1728 1736 ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SHARIA PRINCIPLES ON THE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF COMPANIES IN INDONESIA <p>This study aims to investigate how sharia principles are applied has affected Indonesian enterprises' financial performance, particularly in the banking and financial industry. The law of sharia principles applied include the prohibition of usury, gharar, and maysir, as well as the implementation of contracts in accordance with Islamic law. The study's conclusions show that applying sharia principles significantly affects improving the company's financial performance. Companies that implement sharia principles tend to have higher levels of profitability, better financial stability, and more effective risk management compared to conventional companies. These findings support the theory that ethical and transparent sharia principles can improve the competitiveness and sustainability of companies in the long term. This study concludes that the company's financial performance benefits from the application of sharia principles, so it is important for companies in Indonesia to consider implementing these principles as part of their financial strategy.</p> Helma Maraliza Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-09-11 2024-09-11 1 6 1737 1750 E-COMMERCE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT WITH SECURE PAYMENT METHOD INTEGRATION <p>This research discusses the development of e-commerce applications with the integration of secure payment methods. The focus of this literature is to analyze the various approaches and technologies used to ensure secure financial transactions in e-commerce platforms. In the current digital era, payment security is an important factor that influences user trust and comfort. Through a study of various literature sources and previous research, we found that encryption technology, tokenization, and compliance with industry standards such as PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) play a key role in preventing fraud and protecting customer data. Additionally, diversification of payment methods to include credit/debit cards, e-wallets, and bank transfers, not only enhances security but also provides more flexibility for users. This research also highlights the importance of regular evaluations and audits to keep systems up-to-date with the latest threats. The conclusion of this study confirms that the integration of secure payment methods not only increases the level of customer trust and loyalty but also becomes a critical business strategy for the long-term sustainability of e-commerce platforms.</p> Bekti Utomo Kristiurman Jaya Mendrofa Loso Judijanto Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-09-11 2024-09-11 1 6 1751 1763 EFFECTIVENESS AND IMPORTANT ROLE OF QRIS IN PAYMENT SYSTEMS FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP MARKETING <p>This study aims to examine the effectiveness and important role of QRIS in the payment system and its impact on entrepreneurial marketing strategies. QRIS is a simplified QR code-based payment standard that facilitates digital transactions and facilitates the integration of various payment platforms. This study analyzes how QRIS contributes to increasing customer accessibility, accelerating the transaction process, and expanding market reach for business actors, especially MSMEs. In addition, QRIS allows the collection of transaction data that supports the implementation of more targeted and efficient marketing strategies. The findings show that the use of QRIS also increases customer loyalty through digital promotions such as cashback and discounts, as well as strengthening brand awareness. Overall, this study confirms that QRIS is not only a payment tool, but also a catalyst for entrepreneurial growth in the digital era.</p> Muhammad Syahid Komang S. M Parwati La Ode Zainudin Copyright (c) 2024 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND EDUCATION 2024-09-14 2024-09-14 1 6 1764 1776