Dividend Policy, Investor Loyalty, Policy EffectivenessAbstract
This literature research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of dividend policy in the context of increasing investor loyalty. This study collects and analyzes various existing literature, including journals, articles, and textbooks related to dividend policy, dividend payments, and investor behavior to understand the dynamic relationship between dividend policy and investor loyalty. By using a systematic analysis approach, this research identifies the factors that influence management decisions in determining dividend policy and how these decisions impact investors' perceptions and behavior. The results of the literature analysis show that a consistent and predictive dividend policy plays an important role in building investor confidence, which in turn can increase their loyalty to the company. A dividend policy that is responsive to investors' needs and preferences, and flexible to the company's economic and financial conditions, was found to be a key factor in retaining and attracting long-term investors. Additionally, transparency in dividend policy communication and the use of dividends as a positive signal regarding a company's financial health and growth prospects also contribute to stronger relationships with investors. This research underscores the importance of considering the impact of dividend policy on investor loyalty as part of a comprehensive investor relations management strategy. Implementing an effective dividend policy requires a deep understanding of investor preferences, market conditions, and the company's financial capabilities and projections. Thus, dividend policy not only functions as a wealth distribution mechanism, but also as a strategic instrument to increase loyalty and long-term value for shareholders.
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