
  • Muhammad Ary Aprian Noor Student of Doctoral Program at Faculty of Economics and Business, Lambung Mangkurat University, Indonesia
  • Meiske Claudia Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Business, Lambung Mangkurat University, Indonesia


human resource development, health centers, service quality


The conjunction is that the implementation of health human resource management has not been optimal, especially human resource development in health centers. The literature article review of human resource development in health centers to improve the quality of public health services aims to find out how to implement human resource development in health centers to improve the quality of public health services. The method of writing this Literature Review article is by library research, which is sourced from online media such as Google Scholar and literature books. The result of this review literature article is that the implementation of human resource development in health centers is a strategic step to improve the quality of public health services by designing the right program, using effective learning methods, conducting periodic evaluations and utilizing digital application technology so as to contribute to providing the best health services to the community.


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