
  • Dina Destari University Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris, Indonesia
  • Faisal Bin Husen Ismail Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia
  • S. Sabitha Shunmuga Priya KGISL College, Coimbatore, India


Currently, the use of technology in the world of education can no longer be avoided because it has become a demand for the modern learning process. Teachers are always required to always be updated on changes that occur, so that learning is able to prepare students to face the changes that occur. One of the important things that teachers can do is develop modern learning that is HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) oriented so that students become accustomed to critical thinking so they are able to develop their creativity. The development of learning oriented towards higher order thinking skills or Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is a program developed as an effort by the Ministry of Education and Culture to improve the quality of learning and improve the quality of graduates. Efforts that can be made to overcome the urgency are to strengthen teachers' insight regarding the HOTS-oriented Learning Model but carried out directly in the field. What is done for this activity is the presentation given by the resource person. Apart from that, the teachers immediately implemented it by trying to create HOTS-based lesson plans.


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Ichsan, I. Z., Hasanah, R., Ristanto, R. H., Rusdi, R., Cahapay, M. B., Widiyawati, Y., & Rahman, M. M. (2020). Designing an Innovative Assessment of HOTS in the Science Learning for the 21st Century. Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran IPA, 6(2), 211-224.

Indah, P. (2020). Development of HOTS (high order thinking skill) oriented learning through discovery learning model to increase the critical thinking skill of high school students. IJCER (International Journal of Chemistry Education Research), 26-32.

Merta Dhewa, K., Rosidin, U., Abdurrahman, A., & Suyatna, A. (2017). The development of Higher Order Thinking Skill (Hots) instrument assessment in physics study. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME), 7(1), 26-32.

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Pulungan, M., Toybah, T., & Suganda, V. A. (2021). Development of HOTS-based 2013 curriculum assessment instruments in elementary school. Journal of Teaching and Learning in Elementary Education, 4(1), 51-64.

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Rosidin, U., SUYANTA, A., & Abdurrahman, A. (2019). A combined HOTS-based assessment/STEM learning model to improve secondary students’ thinking skills: A development and evaluation study. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(3), 435-448.

Siagian, E., & Iskandar, I. (2020). HOTS-ORIENTED LEARNING LANGUAGE LEARNING, PROJECT-BASED IN THE 21ST CENTURY LEARNING CONTEXT. IJLECR (International Journal of Language Education and Cultural Review), 6(1), 9-19.

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Sudana, I. M., Oktarina, N., Apriyani, D., & Achmadi, T. A. (2020). An Implementation of HOTS Based Learning Strategy in Vocational High Schools. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity, and Change, 13(12), 1327-1340.

Supriyadi, S., Ika, W. U., Nelly, A., Sukamto, I., Frida, D., Fadhilah, K., & Amrina, I. (2023). Implementation of HOTS-Oriented Problem Based Learning on Science Literacy Ability. Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, 12(3), 1492-1499.

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04/30/2024 — Updated on 06/05/2024



